Enoch has finally conquered some words we have been working on along time. "Bed, Head, Said" he wouldn't put the D at the end. And then added one when he was saying other words, for instance the letter C: "
Also getting the "
th" "
cr" and L sounds are difficult for him but can say them after a few times of repeating correctly. Improvement is exciting!
Josiah was crying while I was trying to get the boys out of the tub, dried off and
pjs on. I finished with Noah and as I turned to help Enoch he held out his hand to stop me, and said in such a big boy voice "I get it,
you go take care of Josiah"
The boys were wanting to hold the baby, and I was giving Noah a quick turn of a few seconds, before I let Enoch hold him on the pillow, but in those few seconds Enoch says "Oh boy, im tired of Noah holding him all the time."
Noah is so cute when he talks, he adds H to
a lot of his words. Like "
Henoch" "
Hundies" "Halright" and "
Hoatmeal." Or when you call him he answers "
I'm right there!" But I believe I started the habit of the double/triple wording by him. When we would see something far away, I would say "look way way way over there!" and now he says "wa wa wa hands" "bo bo teeth" and "thats otay-tay." lol whoops
Josiah is just over 3 months. He is rolling side to side, which spins his position laying on the floor. He rolled over when he was on his stomach, and sat up for 5 seconds!
hahaThe boys have been looking forward to watching Batman the animated series with Caleb every evening. "Batman MEAN!" "Batman NICE!" you'll hear Noah yelling at the TV. "Batman HIT!"